Yoon Jong Ju 윤종주
윤종주 작가의 작품은 색면으로 되어있다. 작가는 캔버스 위에 액상의 물감을 부어 재료의 유동성을 활용하여 작가만의 깊이 있는 표면을 만들어 낸다. 캔버스에 색면의 레이어가 쌓이면서 미묘하게 빛깔이 달라지고 깊이가 생긴다. 작가의 반복적인 행위는 작품에서 시간성을 보여준다. 색면의 레이어가 쌓이고 모서리의 물감을 닦아내며 경계가 생긴다. 최근 작업에서 그라데이션과 수많은 층위의 색들을 통해 빛과 선을 더하였고 한층 더 깊이 있는 색면을 보여주고 있다. 그 자체로 깊이 있어진 색면은 작가가 쌓은 레이어들의 시간을 고스란히 담아내고 있다.
Artist Youn Jongju’s works consist of color fields. The artist pours aquarelle on the canvas and utilizes the liquidity of the material to create her unique deep surface. As color plates are layered, the color changes slightly and depth is created. The artist’s repetitive action shows timeliness in the work. As the colors are layered and paints in the corners are wiped off, boundaries are formed. In recent works she has added light and line through gradation and numerous levels of colors for an even deeper color field. The deepened color field itself is filled with layers of time the artist has spent.
1997 계명대학교 대학원 회화학과 서양화 석사 졸업, 대구
주요 개인전
2023 Promenade, Prompt Project, 서울
더그래잇컬렉션, 서울
2021 Cherish the time_voyage, 을갤러리, 대구
HPIX Dosan, 서울 외 다수
주요 단체전
2023 In time, 모이소갤러리, 디자인하우스, 서울
2022 Hidden Times Hidden Layers, Prompt Project, 서울
추상의 표정 Rejoice, 롯데 에비뉴엘 아트홀, 서울
더 리뷰 파라다이스, 파라다이스시티, 인천 외 다수
주요 작품소장
국립현대미술관 미술은행 외
Promenade 2023
cherish the time-promnade, 23200001acrylic, medium on canvas 25x150(x6),30x150(x5)cm, 2023
cherish the time-promnade, 23200001acrylic, medium on canvas 90x15(x7)cm, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23120R001acrylic, medium on canvas 120r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23120R002acrylic, medium on canvas 120r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23120R003acrylic, medium on canvas 120r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23100R001acrylic, medium on canvas 100r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23100R002acrylic, medium on canvas 100r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23100R003acrylic, medium on canvas 100r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23080R001acrylic, medium on canvas 80r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23080R002acrylic, medium on canvas 80r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23060R001acrylic, medium on canvas 60r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23060R002acrylic, medium on canvas 60r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23060R004acrylic, medium on canvas 60r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23060R005acrylic, medium on canvas 60r, 2023
cherish the time-circle, 23060R003acrylic, medium on canvas 60r, 2023
cherish the time, 23060m001~23060m008acrylic, medium on canvas 80x120cm, 2023
cherish the time, 23060f001~23060f008acrylic, medium on canvas 95x120cm, 2023
cherish the time-beyond purpose, 23080001acrylic, medium on canvas 80x100(x2)cm, 2023
cherish the time-beyond purpose, 23040001acrylic, medium on canvas 46x32(x4)cm, 2023
cherish the time-beyond purpose, 230200001acrylic, medium on canvas 73x50(x2)cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 40x60cm, 2022
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 40x60cm, 2022
cherish the time-beyond purposeacrylic, medium on canvas 100x80cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 40x60cm, 2022
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 40x60cm, 2022
cherish the time-linesacrylic, medium on canvas 32x46(x4)cm, 2022
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 32x46(x4)cm, 2022
cherish the time-from natureacrylic, medium on canvas 90x30(x2), 90x20(x3), 90x15(x1)cm, 2023
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
folding&drippingwater color on paper 60x40cm, 2017
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
cherish the timeacrylic, medium on canvas 50x50cm, 2023
drawing-linespastel on fabriano 56x76cm, 2020
drawing-linespastel on fabriano 56x76cm, 2020
drawing-linespastel on fabriano 56x76cm, 2020
drawing-linespastel on fabriano 56x76cm, 2020
over there-print 1pastel on fabriano 56x76cm, 2006
over there-print 2pastel on fabriano 56x76cm, 2006
Hidden Times, Hidden Layers 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time_line 22002030,31,32,33,34,35캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 32x23x6cm(6pieces), 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time_line 22002037,38,39,40,41,42캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 32x23cm(6pieces), 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time_line 22006004캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 32x46cm, 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time_voyage 22050001캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 90x20cm(5pieces), 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time-composition 22070001캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 150x50cm, 150x25cm, 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time-composition 22070002캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 150x50cm, 150x25cm, 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time-line 22020001-4캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 72x56cm(4pieces), 2022
윤종주 Cherish the time-line 22060004캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 90x15cm(1pieces), 90x20cm(3pieces), 90x30cm(2pieces), 2022
윤종주 cherish the time-voyage 22050001캔버스에 잉크, 아크릴, 미디움, 150x25cm(7pieces), 2022