Melody Park 멜로디박
빛과 색의 교집합을 회화작업으로 이끌어내는 작가 멜로디박은 재료에 구애받지 않은 회화를 보여주는 아티스트이다. 그는 캔버스 위를 가로지르는 브러쉬 스트로크(brush stroke)의 드로잉과 같은 회화로 유명하며, 버드나무 차콜(willow charcoal)이나 드로잉 스톤과 같은 고체의 미디엄을 물감에 섞어 기성 컬러 외의 새로운 이름의 색을 만드는 실험적이고 물리적인 작업을 즐긴다.
작가의 작업은 보는 이들에게 그의 이러한 탐구적 정신으로부터 깊이 응축된 색채의 리듬감을 느끼게 하며, 회화 속 색이라는 기본 요소의 본질에 대한 의미를 되짚는 시간을 갖게 한다.
Melody Park who shows the meeting of light and color through the painting process is an artist who creates paintings that are not limited by materials. She is famous for drawing-like paintings in which the brush stroke crosses the canvas. Like mixing particle mediums such as willow charcoal or drawing stone with liquid paint, she enjoys the experimental and physical process of creating a color with a new name that is different from standard colors.
Her working process makes her viewers feel the rhythm of the color which was deeply condensed from her exploratory attitude, and makes us ponder on the meaning of color in painting as a basic element.
2017 파인아트 드로잉 석사, 글라스고 스쿨 오브 아트, 영국
2016 파인아트 학사, 킹스턴 대학교, 영국
2023 Willow Charcoal Gray, Prompt Project, 서울
diary(2016-2023), 응접실(2023 인천문화재단 문화예술
지원사업 선정), 인천
2022 Swimming Pool in the Corner, 최정아갤러리, 서울
2021 Dianthus Pink Lemonade, 최정아갤러리, 서울
Bismuth Vanadate Yellow, H contemporary Galley, 판교
2019 Melody of Soft Biscuits, 최정아갤러리, 서울
2018 지나간 자리에 남은 것, H contemporary Galley, 판교
Melody, 최정아갤러리, 서울
2017 you are in my dream, Drawing White Space, 글라스고, 영국
2015 I Want to Feel Fresh, Tsuru Lim, 런던, 영국
주요 그룹전
2022 Turps banana x PADA residency 04, Galeria PADA,
바레이로, 포르투갈
An Unexpected Gift, 최정아갤러리, 서울
2020 20200220, 우연히 즉흥적인, 도잉아트, 서울
현상과 사유, H contemporary Galley, 판교
Radioactive Decay, 금나래 아트홀(금천문화재단), 서울
2019 유니온 아트페어, 에스팩토리 서울
Early Summer, 갤러리 가이아, 서울
2018 여기에 가치가 있다, 상상채굴단, 서울
2017 작지만 큰 기쁨, 최정아갤러리, 서울
The Residency, Herrick Gallery, 런던, 영국
Summer Exhibition, 영국 왕립 미술원(RA), 런던, 영국
En Exhibition, Mackintosh Club, 헬렌즈버그, 영국
We Met on the Last Year, House for an art lover,
글라스고, 영국
Common Threads, GSA project space 2, 글라스고, 영국
2016 Landscapes of Mind, Acclaimed Atelier und-
Galeriehaus Defet, 뉘른베르크, 독일
2015 Pylon, Stanley Picker Gallery, 킹스턴, 영국
Mind Glass, 최정아 갤러리, 서울
2014 Pasteurised Prepared Cheese Product, American square,
런던, 영국
2013 2, 갤러리 한옥, 서울
2012 Book -Dantereong, 단테옹 서점, 오사카, 일본
Untitled, 최정아갤러리, 서울
2019 2019’s Best Emerging Artists 선정, Saatchi Art, 영국
2017 Summer Exhibition 전시 선정, 영국 왕립 미술원, 영국
2016 Da Vinci Painting Award 최종수상, 영국
레지던시 프로그램
2022 Turps banana x PADA residency, 바레이로, 포르투갈
2017 Dumfries House 레지던시 (로얄 드로잉 스쿨), 글라스고, 영국
2016 da Vinciartists 레지던시, 뉘른베르크, 독일
국립 현대 미술관 미술은행
다빈치 브러쉬, 독일
August, Seedless Black Grapes Sorbet 8월, 씨 없는 흑포도 소르베2023, Oil, oil pigment stick, colour pencil, pencil, graphite cigar, 146.5 x 204.5 cm
How Are You April 너의 4월은 어때2022, Oil, oilbar, oil pastel, wax, colour pencil, ancient drawing materials(cobalt blue, graphite cigar), 120 x 130 cm
Untitled 무제2023, Oil, pencil on canvas, 181.8 x 227.3 cm
Untitled 무제2023, Oil, colour pencil, pencil, ancient drawing materials(Amandola blue clay, Verona Green, graphite cigar, and augite porphyry violet light), 152 x 130 cm
A Walk One Winter Night 어느 겨울밤 산책2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 20 x 26 cm
A Walk One Winter Night 어느 겨울밤 산책2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 26 x 20 cm
Dry Edge, Melting Snow 마른 언저리, 녹고 있는 눈2023, Oil, willow charcoal, Morellone-natural iron oxide drawing stone on canvas, 26 x 20 cm
I Had Some Blueberry Lemon Cake After Morning Walk2023, Oil, colour pencil, pencil, pastel, ancient drawing material(Amandola blue clay, Verona Green and graphite cigar), 162.1 x 227.3 cm
Ice Roads 빙판길2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 24 x 24 cm
Moonlight Shadow 달빛 그림자2018, Oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm
One Winter Night 어느 겨울밤2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 24 x 24 cm
The Smell of Hay Soaked in Melted Snow 녹은 눈 안에 젖은 건초 냄새2023, Oil, willow charcoal, Morellone-natural iron oxide drawing stone on canvas, 20 x 26 cm
Untitled 무제2022, Oil, graphite cigar on canvas, 40.9 x 31.8 cm
Untitled 무제2023, Oil, pencil on canvas, 40.9 x 31.8 cm
Untitled 무제2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 20 x 26 cm
Untitled 무제2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 20 x 26 cm
Untitled 무제2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 24 x 24 cm
Untitled 무제2023, Oil, willow charcoal on canvas, 24 x 24 cm
Willow Charcoal Gray1 버드나무 목탄 회색12023, Oil, willow charcoal, colour pencil on canvas, 130 x 120 cm
Willow Charcoal Gray2 버드나무 목탄 회색22023, Oil, willow charcoal, Morellone-natural iron oxide drawing stone, colour pencil on canvas, 130 x 120 cm
Willow Charcoal Gray3 버드나무 목탄 회색32023, Oil, willow charcoal, Morellone-natural iron oxide drawing stone, colour pencil on canvas, 130 x 120 cm
Willow Charcoal Gray4 버드나무 목탄 회색42023, Oil, willow charcoal, Morellone-natural iron oxide drawing stone, colour pencil, oil pastel on canvas, 91 x 100 cm
Willow Charcoal Gray5 버드나무 목탄 회색52023, Oil, willow charcoal, Morellone-natural iron oxide drawing stone, colour pencil, oil pastel on canvas, 91 x 100 cm
Spring green 봄 녹색2023, Oil, oilbar, oil pastel, pencil on canvas, 227.3 x 181.8 cm
Summer green 여름 녹색2023, Oil, oilbar, oil pastel, pencil, ancient drawing materials(graphite cigar and augite porphyry violet light) on canvas, 227.3 x 162.1 cm
Autumn green 가을 녹색2023, Oil, oilbar, oil pastel, pencil, ancient drawing materials(graphite cigar and Verona Green) on canvas, 227.3 x 162.1 cm
late august green, butterfly yellow 늦은 8월 녹색, 나비 노란색2023, Oil, oil pigment stick, colour, graphite cigar, 204.5 x 146.5 cm
Straight,wavy,dotted,diagonal lines 직선,물결,점선,대각선2022, Oil, graphite cigar on canvas, 40.9 x 31.8 cm
Sunday, botanical garden 일요일, 식물원2023, Oil, pencil on canvas, 40.9 x 31.8 cm
Plant plan 식물 심기 계획2023, Oil on canvas, 40.9 x 31.8 cm